WWE 13 Review

01/02/2013 15:07

WWE releases a new game based off their Wrestling shows every year, but you really need to ask is what makes WWE 13 differint to WWE 12?


To start with I feel the graphical quality has been greatly improved, when you slam someone into the canvas they look a lot more realistic, they will wriggle around and then crawl back to their feet. When you dive through the air your superstars animation looks real, I don't know if THQ used Motion Capture but it looks like they did. The creations mode is great, you can deeply customize your superstar, from hair to glasses, to hats and freckles, the create a superstar mode is the best it's ever been. Story designer functions much like the other games and there arne't really any differences. Create an entrance is pretty similiar aswell.


Road to Wrestlemania has been replaced with Attitude Era, this mode lets you play through matches from 1998, 1998, like the Rock vs Mankind in an "I Quit" Match. If you were a classic wrestling fan you will love Attitude Era, along with matches you have goals, say in the real match your character sent his opponent through the announcer table, as a goal you will also have to do that, completing all the goals in a level awards you an unlock, whether it be a bonus match, classic arena's, classic belts or classic superstars like Ken Shamrock.


I HATE online, it's lagy, I at first thought I wasn't controlling my superstar it was that slow, I'd press the punch button then about three seconds later (litterally) he's punch but by that time my opponent had allready finishered me and pinned me for 3.



Attitude Era and Create modes are great but Multiplayer, well, stinks.


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