Battlefield 3 Tips

20/02/2013 14:03

Battlefield 3 is an awesome online game, however no team can operate if they don't work well together, here are some tips to get your team working effeciently.


It is best to squad up with people you know, you feel more inclined to work together.

In squads get a mix of people, a sniper, support, engineer and an assault.

Get on the Mic! It is the easiest way to communicate.

Do your job! If you're a sniper don't try to capture objectives, stay back on the mountains and ridges, on the other hand make sure you heal Assault.

Assign each sqaud a job, for example Alpha may need to create as much chaos as possible, while Delta may need to focus on the objectives.

Know the map, if you know the good hiding spots and the chokepoints you are allready halfway to winning.

Stay together, unless you're a sniper I highly reccomend staying together, three poor skilled players can easily take out a lone skilled player.



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